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Paw-some or a Cat-astrophe?

Recently the school has had new inhabitants. The number of cats are increasing. We have now taken most of them to the vet and built them a house and are feeding them. Some people like this. The cats are cute and are fun to encounter and can cheer you up. As Nour Zayat (Year 8) said “ They’re cool and they walk around." Miss Terry and most of the English department love them and how adorable they are.

Also most teachers want to keep them because they have nowhere else to go and could die all alone. They also make us unique to other schools and makes us feel good that we are helping them. Sama in Year 8 said “They’re cool”.

Other people don’t like the cats being here. Some people are concerned that the school is not safe for them. Mr Rudd said “I don’t think the school is suitable” and said that it would be better if they were in a sanctuary or rescue shelter. Another reason is because they are unhygienic and not safe to be around. Also what kind of school has cats? They do excrete and no one like to step in that or have that in their classroom. Nadia of Year 13 said “ I don't really like them because they interrupt our learning”.

What do you think of the cats, are they paw-some or a cat-astrophe? Vote now!

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